Building Your Own Group Voice Calling Application Using the Agora Web SDK

Akshat Gupta
4 min readFeb 1, 2021

Guided tutorial with code snippets.


Love talking to your friends or colleagues but feel current applications aren’t living up to your expectations?
If you’re an enthusiastic developer like me, I bet you must be thinking of developing your own customizable group calling application!

In this tutorial, we will develop a web application that supports voice calling among multiple users using the Agora Web SDK.

Screenshot of the simple voice calling application we will be developing.
Screenshot of the simple voice calling application we will be developing.


Project Setup

Let’s start by laying out our basic HTML structure. A few UI elements are necessary, such as the local audio stream uid, the remote audio streams’ uids, and buttons for joining, leaving, and muting and unmuting. I’ve also imported the necessary CDNs and linked the custom CSS and JS files.

Screenshot of our site with the above code.
Screenshot of our site with the above code.

Adding Color

Now that our basic layout is ready, it’s time to add some CSS.
I’ve already added basic Bootstrap classes to the HTML to make the site presentable, but we’ll use custom CSS to match the site with a blue Agora-based theme.

The magic of CSS.
The magic of CSS.

Muting and Unmuting the Audio

Let’s add some functionality to our beautiful website. We will begin with the UI controls muting and unmuting the audio. A little JS here and a little JS there does the job:

Core Functionality (JS)

Now that we have the HTML/DOM structure laid out, we can add the JS, which uses the Agora Web SDK . It may look intimidating at first, but if you follow Agora’s official docs and demos and put in a little practice, it’ll be a piece of cake.

We first create a client and then create a microphone audio track (line 58). You can use a .env file or directly hardcode the App ID in the application and take in the channel name and token (optional) from the front end.
If you don’t use tokens, specify the tokens as null.

When a user joins a channel by clicking the button, you begin playing the tracks specified while creating the client. The user’s stream is then published (line 60) and subscribed (line 68) which can be toggled using the UI controls we wrote above.

When a track is unpublished (line 84), remove the uid from the user’s screen.

Finally, we give the user an option to end the call and leave (line 43) the channel.

Note: You need to enter your own App ID in the JS code above. I replaced my App ID by <> to avoid unnecessary charges.

You can now run and test the application.

Note: For testing, you can use two (or more) browser tabs to simulate multiple users on the call.


You did it!

We have successfully made our very own group voice calling application. In-case you weren’t coding along or want to see the finished product all together, I have uploaded all the code to GitHub:

If you would like to see the demo in action, check out the demo of the code in action on:

Thanks for taking the time to read my tutorial. If you have questions, please let me know with a comment. If you see room for improvement, feel free to fork the repo and make a pull request!

Other Resources:

To learn more about Agora’s web SDK and other use cases, you can refer to the developer guide here.

You can also join our Slack channel:



Akshat Gupta

Web Developer with keen interest in SEO & Digital Marketing.